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Transaction response codes

It is highly unlikely that you will receive many of these response codes; as a general rule you should use the provided summary response code to determine whether a transaction is approved or declined. Valid response codes are of a two digit alphanumeric format.

If an unknown response code is returned please contact Westpac with the appropriate transaction details.

Please note that there are no response codes specific to card verification number mismatches. This is because no financial institutions within Australia currently return any such information if declining a transaction for security reasons. Response Codes are generally returned from the customer's issuing bank.

Credit card transaction response codes

Successful card transactions will generally have a response code of 00 - Approved or completed successfully or 08 - Honour with Identification. Other statuses indicate a problem processing the transaction. If you receive a status code starting with 'Q' that you do not understand, you should contact your Client Enquiry Manager with the transaction details.

For non-approved transaction statuses that do not start with 'Q' the cardholder will likely need to contact their issuing financial institution for more information about the rejected transaction.

When doing so you can recommend they:

  • provide the date and amount of the transaction.
  • request specific information regarding the transaction rejection.
Summary Code Description
0 Approved
1 Declined
2 Error
3 Rejected

Response Code Description Summary Code Soft Decline
00 Approved or completed successfully. More information 0
01 Refer to card issuer. More information 1 Yes
02 Refer to card issuers special conditions 1
03 Invalid merchant. More information 1
04 Pick-up card. More information 1
05 Do not honour. More information 1
06 Error 1
07 Pick-up card, special condition 1
08 Honor with identification. More information 0
09 Request in progress 1
10 Approved for partial amount 0
11 Approved VIP 0
12 Invalid transaction. More information 1
13 Invalid amount 1
14 Invalid card number (no such number). More information 1
15 No such issuer 1
16 Approved, update Track 3 0
17 Customer cancellation. More information. 1
18 Customer dispute 1
19 Re-enter transaction 1 Yes
20 Invalid response 1
21 No action taken 1
22 Suspected malfunction. More information 1 Yes
23 Unacceptable transaction fee 1
24 File update not supported by receiver 1
25 Unable to locate record on file 1
26 Duplicate file update record, old record replaced 1
27 File update field edit error 1
28 File update file locked out 1
29 File update not successful, contact acquirer 1
30 Format error 1
31 Bank not supported by switch 1
32 Completed partially 1
33 Expired card 1
34 Suspected fraud. See Fraud Guard. 1
35 Card acceptor contact acquirer 1
36 Restricted card 1
37 Card acceptor call acquirer security 1
38 Allowable PIN tries exceeded 1
39 No credit account 1
40 Request function not supported 1
41 Lost card 1
42 No universal account. More information 1
43 Stolen card, pick up 1
44 No investment account 1
45-50 Reserved for ISO use 1
51 Not sufficient funds 1 Yes
52 No cheque account 1
53 No savings account 1
54 Expired card. More information 1
55 Incorrect PIN 1
56 No card record 1
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder 1
58 Transaction not permitted to terminal 1
59 Suspected fraud 1
60 Card acceptor contact acquirer 1
61 Exceeds withdrawal amount limits. More information 1 Yes
62 Restricted card 1
63 Security violation 1
64 Original amount incorrect 1
65 Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit 1 Yes
66 Card acceptor call acquirers security department 1
67 Hard capture (requires that card be picked up at ATM) 1
68 Response received too late 1 Yes
69-74 Reserved for ISO use 1
75 Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded 1 Yes
79 Reserved for private use. More information 1
82 Reserved for private use. More information 1
83 Reserved for private use. More information 1
90 Cutoff is in process (Switch ending a day's business and starting the next. The transaction can be sent again in a few minutes). 1 Yes
91 Issuer or switch is inoperative. More information 1 Yes
92 Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing 1 Yes
93 Transaction cannot be completed. Violation of law 1
94 Duplicate transmission 1 Yes
95 Reconcile error 1
96 System malfunction 1 Yes
97 Advises that reconciliation totals have been reset 1
98 MAC error 1
99 Reserved for national use 1
EA response text varies depending on reason for error 2
EG response text varies depending on reason for error 2
EM Error at the Merchant Server level 2
N1 Unknown Error (NZ Only) 1
N2 Bank Declined Transaction (NZ Only) 1
N3 No Reply from Bank (NZ Only) 1
N4 Expired Card (NZ Only) 1
N5 Insufficient Funds (NZ Only) 1
N6 Error Communicating with Bank (NZ Only) 1
N7 Payment Server System Error (NZ Only) 1
N8 Transaction Type Not Supported (NZ Only) 1
N9 Bank declined transaction (NZ Only) 1
NA Transaction aborted (NZ Only) 1
NC Transaction cancelled (NZ Only) 1
ND Deferred Transaction (NZ Only) 1
NF 3D Secure Authentication Failed (NZ Only) 1
NI Card Security Code Failed (NZ Only) 1
NL Transaction Locked (NZ Only) 1
NN Cardholder is not enrolled in 3D Secure (NZ Only) 1
NP Transaction is Pending (NZ Only) 2
NR Retry Limits Exceeded, Transaction Not Processed (NZ Only) 1
NT Address Verification Failed (NZ Only) 1
NU Card Security Code Failed (NZ Only) 1
NV Address Verification and Card Security Code Failed (NZ Only) 1
Q0 Scheme Tokenisation Error. More information 3
Q1 Unknown Buyer 1
Q2 Transaction Pending 2
Q3 Payment Gateway Connection Error. More information 3 Yes
Q4 Payment Gateway Unavailable 3 Yes
Q8 Error verifying 3D Secure enrolment 3
Q9 3D Secure authentication failed 3
QA Invalid parameters 3
QB Order type not currently supported 3
QC Invalid Order Type 3
QD Invalid Payment Amount - Payment amount less than minimum/exceeds maximum allowed limit 1
QE Internal Error 3
QF Payment Gateway Error 3 Yes
QG Unknown Customer Order Number 3
QH Unknown Customer Username 3
QI Transaction incomplete - contact Westpac to confirm reconciliation 2 Yes
QJ Incorrect Customer Password 3
QK Unknown Customer Merchant 3
QL Business Group not configured for customer 3
QM Payment Instrument not configured for customer 3
QN Configuration Error 1
QO Missing Payment Instrument 3
QP Missing Supplier Account 3
QQ Invalid Card \ Invalid Card Verification Number 1
QR Transaction Retry 2
QS Transaction Successful 0
QT Invalid currency 3
QU Unknown Customer IP Address 3
QV Invalid Capture Order Number specified for Refund, Refund amount exceeds capture amount, or Previous capture was not approved 1
QW Invalid Reference Number 1
QX Network Error has occurred 3 Yes
QY Card Type Not Accepted 1
QZ Zero value transaction 0
RA response text varies depending on reason for rejection 3
RG response text varies depending on reason for rejection 3
RM Rejected at the Merchant Server level 3
No Short for 'No Account', this response code indicates the QuickVault account used for the transaction was not found. More information. 3

00 - Approved

This indicates that the transaction has been authorised.

What authorisation DOES mean:-

  • The card number is valid
  • The card has not been reported lost or stolen (although it may in fact be lost, stolen or compromised [card details improperly obtained or copied] and the card owner is unaware)
  • There are sufficient funds available to cover the transaction.

What authorisation DOES NOT mean:-

  • An authorisation does NOT confirm that the person providing the card number is the legitimate cardholder. The risk remains that the person providing the card number has either stolen or improperly obtained the card.

01 - Refer to card issuer

This indicates an error or problem from the card issuer. The problem may be related to the cardholder's account. This response code is often a result of one of the following:-

  • Suspected Fraud
  • Stolen Card
  • Expired Card
  • Invalid CVN
  • Any other rule imposed by the card issuer that causes a decline (e.g. daily limit exceeded, minimum monthly payment not made, duplicate transaction suspected, etc.)

03 - Invalid merchant

This can indicate a problem with merchant configuration. This can also be returned for AMEX transactions when there is a problem with the setup at American Express. This code can be returned from an issuing bank if they don't like the acquiring bank. An example of this would be someone trying to pay their speeding fine with an overseas card. The overseas issuing bank would return a 03, indicating that they wouldn't allow the transaction over the internet for an Australian bank.

04 - Pickup Card.

This can mean the card has been reported as lost or stolen. The cardholder should contact their issuing bank.

05 - Do not honour

This indicates an error or problem from the card issuer.

The problem may be related to the cardholder's account. In general, the reason for this response code may be any of the following:

  • Suspected Fraud
  • Insufficient Funds
  • Stolen Card
  • Expired Card
  • Invalid CVN
  • Any other rule imposed by the card issuer that causes a decline. For example, daily limit exceeded, minimum monthly payment not made, duplicate transaction suspected, etc.

You should not retry the transaction.

If you want to attempt to charge the cardholder again then you must consider the following:

  1. Check that the cardholder's details are correct. It is likely you will need to change some of their details.
  2. Check for suspected fraudulent activity and re-attempt using authentication, such as 3-D Secure.

08 - Honor with identification

This indicates that the transaction has been authorised.

What authorisation DOES mean:-

  • The card number is valid
  • The card has not been reported lost or stolen (although it may in fact be lost, stolen or compromised card details improperly obtained or copied and the card owner is unaware)
  • There are sufficient funds available to cover the transaction.

What authorisation DOES NOT mean:-

  • An authorisation does NOT confirm that the person providing the card number is the legitimate cardholder. The risk remains that the person providing the card number has either stolen or improperly obtained the card.

12 - Invalid transaction

This code is often returned from the issuer when they do not accept the transaction. This can possibly be when a transaction for the same amount and merchant is attempted multiple times quickly for the same card. The cardholder should contact their issuing bank.

14 - Invalid card number (no such number)

This code indicates that the card number does not exist. Also returned code if an AMEX card is used, but the merchant is not setup for AMEX cards.

17 - Customer cancellation

This code will be returned if a user "voids" a transaction through the QuickStream interface or REST API (or "refunds" a transaction the same day it was created before the settlement cut-off). In essence a reversal is performed.

22 - Suspected Malfunction

This code normally indicates that the card number was invalid.

42 - No Universal Account

This error is returned from some issuers when the credit account does not exist at the issuing bank. This situation is similar to the 14 response code.

54 - Expired Card

This error is returned when the card has expired. Check that the expiry date is correct, and attempt the transaction again. If the transaction still does not work, check with the cardholder to see if they have a new card with a new expiry date.

61 - Exceeds withdrawal amount limits

This error is returned when the cardholder does not have enough credit to pay the specified amount. Ask the cardholder if they have another card to use for the payment.

79 - Reserved for private use

Applies for Mastercard only. The customer's bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction due to invalid card data. The customer should check the card information entered and try again, or use an alternate credit card.

82 - Reserved for private use

Applies for Mastercard only. The customer's bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction due to a policy reason. The customer should check the card information entered and try again, or use an alternate credit card.

83 - Reserved for private use

Applies for Mastercard only. The customer's bank (Card Issuer) has declined the transaction due to a security reason. The customer should check the card information entered and try again, or use an alternate credit card.

91 - Issuer or switch is inoperative

This code is used to indicate that the next party in a card transaction timed out and the transaction has been reversed. This may happen between QuickStream and Westpac, or further down the chain. This response may also be returned for pre-authorisation transactions that are manually reversed.

92 - Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing

The card number is incorrect. The first 6 digits of the card number indicate which bank issued the card. These are used for routing card requests through the card network to the issuing bank. This error indicates that there is no bank that corresponds to the first 6 digits of the card number.

No Account

The QuickVault account token used for the transaction was not found or is not enabled. Please check that the QuickVault account exists and is enabled. You can do this in via the REST API, QuickGateway or by signing into QuickStream.

Payment response files with a 2-character response code field may report this as No rather than No account.

Q0 - Scheme Tokenisation Error

The Q0 status code indicates a scheme tokenisation error. This usually means that the scheme token is suspended.

Q3 - Payment Gateway Unavailable

The downstream card gateway was unavailable. The card transaction was not attempted and the transaction record will not exist. When you receive this response code, the transaction will not exist in QuickStream.

QI - Transaction incomplete

This status code indicates that a request message was sent to the QuickStream server but no response was received within the timeout period.

QQ - Invalid Card

The QQ error code indicates that the card details (card number, expiry date or CVN) are invalid. This could be because the card number does not meet check digit validation, an invalid expiry date was entered, or an invalid CVN was entered.

QY - Card Type not accepted

The QY error code indicates that the merchant is not enabled for the particular card scheme. This error code is normally returned for American Express and Diners Club cards, or when a UnionPay debit card is used. Only UnionPay cards are supported.

Bank account transaction response codes

(aka Direct Entry Transaction Response Codes)

In all cases where the response code requires the account holder to contact their bank, it will help if they can provide a date and amount of the failed attempted transaction and specifically ask the bank why they returned that status for the attempted transaction. Otherwise, the issuing bank staff may just check the available funds in the account.

Successful Direct Entry transactions will generally have a response code of G - WBC Exception Processing released successfully.

Summary Code Description
0 Approved. Transactions running on a 3-Day settlement may be reported with summary 0 before the transaction is rejected by customer's bank. When working with a 3-Day settlement period, you should monitor the transaction over the full settlement period.
1 Declined
2 Processing
3 Rejected

Code Description Summary Code Soft Decline
Zero Zero 0
No Account No Account Registered 1
Duplicate Duplicate Transaction 1
New New 2
1 Invalid BSB Number 1
2 Payment stopped. More information 1
3 Account Closed. More information 1
4 Customer Deceased 1
5 No Account/Incorrect Account#. More information 1
6 Refer to Customer. More information 1 Yes
7 No form PDC held 1
8 Invalid User ID Number 1
9 Other. More information 1 Yes
Success Approved or completed successfully 0
R WBC Exception Processing Error - see description 3
G WBC Exception Processing released successfully. More information 0
C WBC Exception Processing - Cancelled 3
D WBC Exception Processing - Recalled 3
No Short for 'No Account', this response code indicates the QuickVault account used for the transaction was not found. More information. 3
CANCELLED Customer cancellation. More information. 3

2 - Payment Stopped

The account holder has requested that their bank stop any direct debit transactions. Contact the customer to determine an alternate payment mechanism, or if they wish to stop their service.

3 - Account Closed

The account holder has closed their account. Contact your customer to ask for new account details.

5 - No Account/Incorrect Account#

Contact your customer to determine if the BSB and account number you have is correct. It may be useful for them to fax you the first page of their bank account statement so that you can check you have the correct BSB and account number.

6 - Refer to Customer

Contact your customer to determine if they have sufficient funds in their account, if the BSB and account number you have is correct, and if their account allows direct debit transactions.

9 - Other

The banks use this response code as they see fit. If you receive this response code for a customer, and you have never had a successful debit for that customer, first check the BSB and account number. This could indicate one of the following:

  • Account does not allow Direct Debit
  • Incorrect Account Number
  • Insufficient Funds
  • Suspected Fraud
  • Any other rule imposed by the account holder's bank that causes a decline (e.g. daily limit exceeded, duplicate transaction suspected, etc)

G - WBC Exception Processing released successfully

The transaction is being processed by Westpac. If the debit is from another bank, Westpac has sent the transaction to that bank. When a direct entry transaction is successful, it remains in this response code. When a transaction is declined and returned, the response will be set to a different response code.

CANCELLED - Customer cancellation

This code will be returned if a user "voids" a transaction through the QuickStream interface or REST API. In essence a reversal is performed.

PayTo transaction response codes

A PayTo transaction may transition between Pending response codes before reaching an Approved or Declined status. It is highly unlikely that you will receive many of the Declined codes.

Summary Code Description
0 Approved
1 Declined
2 Pending

Code Description Summary Code
New New 2
RCVD Received 2
PATC Partially Accepted Technical Correct 2
ACTC Accepted Technical Validation 2
ACCP Accepted Customer Profile 2
ACSP Accepted Settlement In Process 2
ACCC Accepted Settlement Completed Creditor Account 2
PDNG Pending 2
ACFC Accepted Funds Checked 2
ACCC Accepted Settlement Completed Creditor Account 2
ACPD Accepted Clearing Processed 2
ACSC Accepted Settlement Completed Debtor Account 0
RJCT Rejected 1
BLCK Blocked 1
CANC Cancelled 1
AB01 Aborted Clearing Timeout 1
AB02 Aborted Clearing Fatal Error 1
AB03 Aborted Settlement Timeout 1
AB04 Aborted Settlement Fatal Error 1
AB08 Offline Creditor Agent 1
AC02 Invalid Debtor Account Number 1
AC03 Invalid Creditor Account Number 1
AC05 Closed Debtor Account Number 1
AC06 Blocked Account 1
AC07 Closed Creditor Account Type 1
AC13 Invalid Debtor Account Type 1
AC14 Invalid Creditor Account Type 1
AC15 Account Details Changed 1
AG01 Transaction Forbidden 1
AG03 Transaction Not Supported 1
AG07 Unsuccessful Direct Debit 1
AGNT Incorrect Agent 1
AM01 Zero Amount 1
AM02 Not Allowed Amount 1
AM03 Not Allowed Currency 1
AM04 Insufficient Funds 1
AM05 Duplication 1
AM06 Too Low Amount 1
AM09 Wrong Amount 1
AM12 Invalid Amount 1
AM18 Invalid Number of Transactions 1
AM19 Invalid Group Number of Transactions 1
AM21 Limit Exceeded 1
AM22 Zero Amount Not Applied 1
BE05 Unrecognised Initiating Party 1
BE06 Unknown End Customer 1
BE08 Missing Debtor Name 1
BE18 Invalid Contact Details 1
BE22 Missing Creditor Name 1
CH17 Element Not Admitted 1
CH20 Decimal Points Not Compatible with Currency 1
CH21 Required Compulsory Element Missing 1
CURR Incorrect Currency 1
DT01 Invalid Date 1
DT02 Invalid Creation Date 1
DT04 Future date not supported 1
ED06 Settlement System Not Available 1
FF01 Invalid File Format 1
FF04 Invalid Service Level Code 1
FF08 Invalid End to End Id 1
FF10 Bank System Processing Error 1
FF11 Clearing Request Aborted 1
G005 Delivered With Service Level 1
G006 Delivered Without Service Level 1
MD01 No Mandate 1
MD02 Missing Mandatory Information In Mandate 1
MD20 Mandate Expired 1
MS02 Not Specified Reason Customer Generated 1
MS03 Not Specified Reason Agent Generated 1
NAUT Not Authorised 1
RC05 Invalid BIC Identifier 1
RR02 Missing Debtor Name Or Address 1
RR03 Missing Creditor Name Or Address 1
RR04 Regulatory Reason 1
RR05 Regulatory Information Invalid 1
RR07 Remittance Information Invalid 1
SL01 Specific Service Offered By Debtor Agent 1
SL11 Creditor Not On Whitelist Of Debtor 1
SL12 Creditor On Blacklist Of Debtor 1
SL13 Maximum Number Of Direct Debit Transactions Exceeded 1
SL14 Maximum Direct Debit Transaction Amount Exceeded 1
TD03 Incorrect File Structure 1
TM01 Cut Off Time 1
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Privacy Statement (for individuals whose personal information may be collected - in this clause referred to as "you"). All personal information we collect about you is collected, used and disclosed by us in accordance with our Privacy Statement which is available at Privacy Statement or by calling us through your relationship manager or Westpac representative. Our Privacy Statement also provides information about how you can access and correct your personal information and make a complaint. You do not have to provide us with any personal information but, if you don't, we may not be able to process an application or a request for a product or service.